Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella

confessions of a shopaholic jpeg Dell Paperbacks. 2001. 350 pages.

I’m late in the game hence the cover edition of the copy I have (given by an aunt for my birthday). I’ve been meaning to read the “Shopaholic Series” but never really got round to make an effort (I was just waiting to either borrow from a friend or the library). After seeing them in a book sale though, i ended up getting the rest of the series (except for ‘Shopaholic Takes Manhattan’)

Anyway, I knew the kind of funny and witty entertainment I was going to be in for as I had previously read Kinsella’s ‘Can You Keep a Secret‘ which I absolutely loved ( mainly because it made me literally LOL)

Rebecca “Becky” Bloomwood has a serious shopping addiction. She is the prototype of a true shopaholic –getting addicted to the highs of purchasing new things. And like most shopaholics–she is up to her eyeballs in debt. But Unlike most shopaholics that you know, Becky Bloomwood has the irony of all jobs : she is a financial journalist for ‘Successful Saving’ magazine–offering financial tips, advice and opinion on most situations, like facing debt responsibility.

It’s a one whole hilarious ride reading Becky Bloomwood’s misadventures trying to save money, make more money, and evade the financial institutions that are breathing down her neck. For 350 pages, it is quite thick than your usual smart ‘chick-lit’ read but i found myself wanting MORE after the very last page.

No wonder the series is such a hit.I can’t wait to read the rest of the series!

I was able to watch the movie on a plane before reading the book. And though i prefer the book better (the movie seems to be a mish-mash of all elements of the series mixed and matched together in however way possible), it’s still hilarious, charming, and endearing. Isla Fisher is perfect for the role of Becky Bloomwood.



the author, Sophie Kinsella


  1. Hi, Jean!

    I was about to watch Shopaholic in DVD (but I read the book years ago). 🙂

    Anyway, try to read Undomestic Goddess also — it’s my favorite Kinsella book.

  2. Hey, i love the film, havent read the book yet, but i read “shopaholic and baby” and it’s just amazing. Anyway, does anybody know where i can get the tartan shawl rebecca bloomwood wears from one of the pictures above. Would be lovely to own a look-a-like or even THE REAL DEAL!!

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